Rainbow Fluorite

Fluorite is another mineral with a long and storied history.  Ancient Romans and Egyptians loved sculptures of fluorite and often kept them a prized artistic works.  For energy work, however, fluorite is very new to the scene.  It is quite soft and therefore not as suitable to wear as rings and such but it’s ability to cleanse the auric field is making it more and more popular.  

If you’re ready to get into your feelings and move through difficult emotions that are making you feel dense, working with fluorite is the perfect prescription.  It will help with both getting you to clarity and keeping you there.  

Zodiac: Capricorn & Pisces
Chakra: All
Element: Air & Water
Planet: Neptune

The Science

Category: Halide mineral
Formula: CaF2
IMA symbol: Flr[1]
Strunz classification: 3.AB.25
Crystal system: Isometric
Crystal class: Hexoctahedral (m3m)
H–M symbol: (4/m 3 2/m) (cF12)
Space group: Fm3m (No. 225)
Unit cell: a = 5.4626 Å; Z = 4
Color: Colorless, although samples are often deeply colored owing to impurities; Purple, lilac, golden-yellow, green, blue, pink, champagne, brown.
Crystal habit: Well-formed coarse sized crystals; also nodular, botryoidal, rarely columnar or fibrous; granular, massive
Twinning: Common on {111}, interpenetrant, flattened
Cleavage: Octahedral, perfect on {111}, parting on {011}
Fracture: Subconchoidal to uneven
Tenacity: Brittle
Mohs scale hardness: 4 (defining mineral)
Luster: Vitreous
Streak: White
Diaphaneity: Transparent to translucent
Specific gravity: 3.175–3.184; to 3.56 if high in rare-earth elements
Optical properties: Isotropic; weak anomalous anisotropism
Refractive index: 1.433–1.448
Fusibility: 3
Solubility: slightly water soluble and in hot hydrochloric acid
Other characteristics: May be fluorescent, phosphorescent, thermoluminescent, and/or triboluminescent
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